Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Avoiding the sharks in real estate waters

By Joel Persinger

My grandfather used to call them, “Snake oil salesman.” My dad’s term of choice was, “Ambulance chasers.” But, the common term that I most often hear applied to such folks is, “Sharks.” They are the opportunists who prey upon those in trouble. They pop up at every disaster or financial downturn. So, it’s not surprising to see them circling the waters of the San Diego real estate market.

I have said many times that the current real estate market in San Diego is not bad; it’s just different. We found ourselves in an unusual market of double digit appreciation for a few years and those of us with short memories took that to be “normal” when it was not. The market we have currently is “normal.”

That having been said, the previous market spurred people to new heights of greed and unrealistic expectations, for which many are now paying the price. Homeowners and buyers leveraged just about every bit of equity because money was cheep and easy to get. But that is no longer the case and many “homeowners” owe more on their property than it is worth. They are upside down, frightened and desperately looking for an escape, like shipwrecked sailors clinging to the last vestiges of their sinking vessel. Can you see the sharks circling? I can.

Every day I see the little signs posted on the side of the road here and there offering to help those who are in this unenviable position. In bold letters they announce, “Save yourself from foreclosure” or question, “Owe more on your home than it’s worth?” While some of these outfits might be legitimate, I’d bet my first dollar that most of them are simply opportunists looking for a quick buck from desperate people. In my humble opinion, you’d be wise not to jump into the water with any of them lest you get bit!

So, where do you turn when you’re upside down on your home and feeling like your taking your last ride on a ship called the Titanic? After all, these little signs on the side of the road are offering you a life boat and I’ve just told you not to climb in. The simple answer is to educate yourself by seeking lots of advice and doing your homework.

The first thing to remember is that there are no magic solutions, no matter what the “sharks” may claim. You probably didn’t get yourself into a financial mess without working at it and, like it or not, you’re going to have to work to get yourself out. The second thing is to get advice. If you owe more on your home than it’s worth, you should seek advice from a qualified attorney, a CPA who has direct experience helping people in your situation and a real estate broker whom you know well and trust to be honest and to tell you the hard truth.

As you pull these professionals together to work on your behalf, it is important to remember that, while it is helpful to delegate to people with greater experience and knowledge, it is never a good idea to abdicate your responsibility of taking care of your own affairs. It has been my experience that nobody cares more about your finances than you. My advice is to roll up your sleeves and stay actively involved. When it’s “sink or swim”, the only way to keep your head above water is to keep treading and the only way to keep from being eaten is to avoid the sharks.

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